Story of Rivers Edge Marina
Owner Paul Emerick moved from San Diego, California in May of 2005 along with his wife, Anna, and their two boys, Michael and Anthony. Their 3rd son Matthew was born here in Alabama.
Shortly after moving the marina was purchased December 1st, 2006 and has been family owned ever since. With many additions and upgrades added since that time, we strive to provide an excellent service to all of our customers that come see us.
We are always looking for ways to improve the marina. From adding more dry storage slips, Luxury boat rentals, Tiny Home vacation rentals, adding a weekend restaurant, a sandy playground with a swim area, a 24/7 Fuel dock, upgrading our launch piers and gas piers to brand new piers with Titan decking, and more.
We spend every off-season upgrading our marina to always be able to deliver the best experience to our customers.